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近10 a黄海浒苔绿潮时空分布特征分析
作者:何恩业1  季轩梁1  黄洪辉2 3 4  王丹1  郭茂华5 6  高姗1  杨静1 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术重点实验室, 北京 100081;
2. 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所, 广东 广州 510300;
3. 广东省渔业生态环境重点实验室, 广东 广州 510300;
4. 农业农村部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室, 广东 广州 510300;
关键词:浒苔 绿潮 时空分布 年际变化 漂移路径 黄海 
收集和整理了2010—2019年黄海绿潮卫星遥感影像资料,对黄海浒苔暴发期间生长消亡过程的年际变化、季节变化、暴发源地、历年漂移路径特征、发展规模及影响区域等进行了长时间尺度和多角度的分析和对比。结果表明:历年卫星首次发现浒苔的区域均位于江苏盐城以东海域,浒苔暴发时间集中在5月中旬—下旬,经过10~20 d的聚集发展进入盛期,6月中旬—7月上旬覆盖面积达到顶峰,7月中下旬盛期结束,之后进入半个月—一个月的消衰期,整个灾害过程平均持续期约84 d。黄海浒苔成灾期间,其覆盖面积的增减变动速率并不均匀,具有跳变现象,日均最大增长率出现在5月中旬—下旬,其值可达22.6%;日均最大衰减率出现在7月中旬—下旬,约为12.3%。统计显示,近10 a黄海浒苔的生长消亡过程、最大分布规模及其分布形态以及漂移路径均存在明显差异,可能与历年环流形势和环境条件有关,浒苔漂移路径和发展规模对未来影响岸段以及致灾程度起到决定性作用。此外,近5 a黄海浒苔覆盖面积整体呈减小趋势,但浒苔影响范围(分布面积)呈波动增大趋势,分布范围由近海向外海扩展,影响岸段由山东半岛以南的中西部沿海区域向东部岸线延伸。
The characteristics and variation of the spatial and temporal distribution of Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea is analyzed using 10 years satellite remote sensing images from 2010 to 2019. The results show that the green tide starts in the Subei shoal in middle-late May and continue to develop in the following 10~20 days, which reaches the peak between middle June and early July. The peak period of the green tide ends in middle or late July and starts to decay over the next 15~30 days. The whole lifecycle of a green tide event is about 84 days on average, during an Ulva prolifera event, the fluctuation rate of its coverage area is not flat with the maximum daily growth rate of 22.6% in middle or late May, while the maximum decay rate of about 12.3% appears in middle or late July. Statistical results show that the growing and decaying process, influence scale, distribution pattern and drift path of the Ulva prolifera events are significantly different in recent 10 years, which might be related to the different ocean circulation and environment condition. The location and extent of the disaster mainly depend on the drifting path and development scale of Ulva prolifera. In addition, the coverage area of Ulva prolifera in Yellow Sea over the past 5 years tends to decrease, while its influence scope tends to increase with a coverage expansion from nearshore to offshore and with an extension of the influencing area from the middle and western coastal area of Shandong Peninsula to the eastern coastal area.
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