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单位:福建省海洋预报台, 福建 福州 350003
关键词:赤潮 SST 温度变化率 积温 
利用连江黄岐半岛海域20 a的统计资料及附近海域近5 a的SST观测资料展开研究,探讨SST对于该海域赤潮发生发展和消亡的影响及呈现出的特征。结果表明:连江黄岐赤潮灾害集中发生在4—6月,此时该海域SST在18~26℃,赤潮发生盛期的适宜SST为22~26℃。若初春南风异常强劲,造成SST明显比近5 a同期偏高,则首次赤潮发生时间可能提前。研究同时表明:SST变化率与赤潮也有密切联系,发生赤潮的年份最大SST变化率偏大。每年首次发生赤潮灾害前均有一次较快的升温过程,幅度在2~3℃,赤潮维持期间剧烈的SST变化也会加速赤潮的消亡。另外,积温在某种程度上也影响着赤潮生物的生长,黄岐附近海域在积温达到2 300℃·d时有利于赤潮的生成。
Based on the 20 years statistical data and the SST data near Huangqi area in recent five years, we discuss the influence of SST on the occurrence, development and extinction of red tide in this area. The results show that the red tide in Huangqi largely occurs between April and June with the SST between 18~26 ℃, which is suitable for the occurrence of red tide. The red tide may occur earlier than usual if the south wind in early spring is abnormally stronger and the SST is significantly higher. The change rate of SST is also closely related to the red tide. It is found that the maximum SST change rate is higher in the year with red tide occurrence. There is a rapid heating process with an amplitude of 2~3 ℃ before the red tide disaster occurs for the first time each year. During the maintenance period of the red tide, the drastic sea temperature change will also accelerate the extinction of the red tide. In addition, the accumulated temperature produce also affects the growth of red tide organisms. It is favorable for the formation of red tide near Huangqi when the accumulated temperature reaches 2 300 ℃·d.
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