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作者:李银忠  曲玉环  吴鑫  刘沛  许桂中  杜辉 
单位:东营市海洋与渔业局, 山东 东营 257091
关键词:东营港海洋站 平均风速 风向 极大风 
根据东营港海洋站2011年1月—2015年12月间每10 min的实测风速、风向资料,对平均风速风向、极大风和7级以上大风天数等风要素进行了特征分析。结果表明:东营港海洋站的风具有明显的季节特征和年际变化,平均风速月际变化呈“两峰两谷”型,在偏北风向上,平均风速最大并且月际变化最显著,在偏南风向上,平均风速最小并且月际变化最不明显;全年盛行偏南向风和偏北向风,春夏季盛行偏南向风,秋季以偏南向风为主偏北向风为辅,冬季则以偏北向风为主偏南向风为辅;偏北风向上最易出现极大风,偏南风向出现极大风的频率最低;出现7级以上大风的天数每年总体上呈增长趋势,秋季最多,春季最少。
According to the measured wind speed and wind direction data at Dongying Port Station from January 2011 to December 2015,the wind characteristics such as average wind speed,wind direction,extreme wind and duration days above grade 7 are analyzed.The results show that the winds at Dongying Ocean Station have obvious seasonal characteristics and interannual variations.The monthly average wind speed performs two peaks and two valleys feature.In the northerly direction,the average wind speed is the largest and the monthly variation is the most significant.In the south wind direction,the average wind speed is the smallest and the monthly variation is the least.Prevailed throughout the year by south to the wind and the north wind,prevailing south wind in spring and summer,autumn in south to wind and auxiliary partial north wind,the winter is given priority to with partial north wind by south wind is complementary.The maximum winds appears in the northerly wind direction and the lowest in the south wind direction.The number of duration days with strong winds above grade 7 shows an increasing trend every year,with the highest in the autumn and the leastin the spring.
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