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作者:李自强  马生春 
单位:北京总参气象中心, 北京
关键词:埃尔-尼诺现象 11年太阳周期 埃尔-尼诺现象与太阳活动11年周期的关系 
It is shown by a preliminary analysis of the positive anomaly of appearance frequency of E1 Nino events occurred in the even numbered 11-year solar cycle and the negative anomaly in the,odd numbered.11-year solar cycle since the beginning of the 29th century that the difference beween the mean value of appearance frequency of E1 Nino events in the even numbered 11-year solar cycle and in the odd numbered 11-year solar cycle is very marked, and the appearance frequency of E1 Nino events in the 11-year solar cycle are characterized by positive and negative anomaly alternatoly.It is 4so found that the phases of the even and odd 11-year solar cpcle in which the E1 Nino events occurred are quite different.In the evens numbered 11-year solar cycle,most of E1 Nino events occurred in the phase of m-2 →m+1, M-2→M-1 and M+3→m-3;while in the odd numbered 11-year solar cycle,most of E1 Nino events occurred in the phase of m+1→m+2and M+1→M+2.In addition,The E1 Nino events occurred in the.peak value(phase of 11-year solar cycle are all the persistent E1 Nino events.
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