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作者:信忠保  谢志仁 
单位:南京师范大学地理科学学院 南京 210097
关键词:ENSO事件 淮河流域 降水 功率谱 滞后分析 
Studies show that there is evident correlation between ENSO events and the abnormity of Huaihe river basin’s precipitation. Through power spectrum analysis, there are three obvious common periods, 18 months、26 months and 47 months, for ENSO events. The abnormal of Huaihe River basin’s precipitation is very complex, however there is a periods of 26 months, same as that of ENSO events. We found the annual distribution law about the abnormity of Huaihe river basin’s precipitation in ENSO events is that: In El Nino year, the precipitation increases in spring and winter, while in La Nina year, the precipitation decreases, especial in July. When SOI is high, the Huaihe river basin’s precipitation evidently decreases, especial in September、October and November, the decrement is more than 30%. While SOI is low, the Huaihe river basin’s precipitation evidently increases.

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