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作者:张绪东1  修义瑞1  刘金芳1  苏戈1  王庆业2 
单位:1. 海军海洋水文气象中心 北京 100161;
2. 广东海洋大学南海海洋环境研究所 湛江 524088
关键词:北赤道流分叉 北赤道流分叉轨迹 卫星高度计 
There are two kinds of studies on the bifurcation of the NEC,one based on observed hydrographical data and the other based on numerical modelling.The results derived from observational data,are more consistent with facts with significant errors owing to poor resolution of the data used.The results from numerical models have higher temporal and spatial resolution,while they deviate from observations due to certain defects of the models themselves.Up to now,these model results about bifurcation of the NEC,such as variation of bifurcation latitude,have great differences from each other.So it is the key to study bifurcation of the NEC how to find a data set with high enough resolution or to come up with a numerical model,which is based on real physical processes and can be validated by observations.In this thesis,altimetry data with high resolution(time resolution: 7 days;space resolution:1/3°×1/3° latitude and l ongitude as statistical grids) from October 1992 through December 2004 are analyzed to determine the bifurcation latitude according Lagrangian trajectory method,and study its seasonal and interannual variations.
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