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作者:董议文1  张蕴斐1  张戈2  韩博3 4  李响1  易侃5 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术重点实验室, 北京 100081;
2. 中国人民解放军 32011部队, 北京 100094;
3. 中山大学大气科学学院 广东省气候变化与自然灾害研究重点实验室, 广东 珠海 519082;
4. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室 (珠海), 广东
关键词:海洋大气边界层高度 GPS探空 诊断算法 日变化 
利用南海北部2019年6—7月的船载GPS秒级探空数据,对比研究了5种不同的边界层高度诊断算法在计算海洋大气边界层高度方面的适用性,并利用该数据分析了南海北部海气边界层高度的日变化特征。结果表明:相对湿度梯度法和比湿梯度法诊断的边界层高度普遍偏高,且存在较大的不确定性,气块法、位温梯度法和理查森数法诊断的边界层高度较为合理,且理查森数法诊断结果不确定性最小;南海北部6—7月的平均边界层高度在500~700 m,边界层高度日变化平均约为278 m,总体变化趋势为先升高后降低,每日14时达到最大值。边界层高度的日变化主要受太阳辐射的影响,其变化趋势与海表温度及气温的变化趋势一致;同时,南海季风带来的大量暖湿气流及海洋的特殊环境的原因,海气温差较小,导致海上湍流活动受到抑制,平均边界层高度相对较低,边界层高度日变化较小。
As a parameter that characterizes the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer, the boundary layer height is an important indicator in atmospheric numerical simulation and environmental assessment. In this paper, the shipboard GPS second-level sounding data from June to July in 2019 in the northern South China Sea is used to study the applicability of five different boundary layer height diagnosis methods in calculating the marine atmospheric boundary layer height, and to analyze the diurnal variation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer height in the northern South China Sea. The results show that the height of the boundary layer diagnosed by the relative humidity gradient method and the specific humidity gradient method is generally higher with a large uncertainty. The height of the boundary layer diagnosed by the parcel method, the potential temperature gradient method and the Richardson method is more reasonable, and the uncertainty of Richardson method is the least. The average marine atmospheric boundary layer height in the northern South China Sea from June to July is between 500~700 m, and the average diurnal variation of boundary layer height is about 278 m. The marine atmospheric boundary layer height reaches maximum at around 14:00 of the day. The diurnal variation of the boundary layer height is mainly affected by solar radiation, and its variation trend is consistent with that of sea surface temperature and air temperature. Meanwhile, the difference between sea surface temperature and air temperature is small due to the influence of the South China Sea Monsoon and the ocean environment. Therefore, the turbulent activity is suppressed, the average marine atmospheric boundary layer height is relatively low, and the diurnal variation of the boundary layer height is also small.
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