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作者:徐腾1  蔡靖泽1  李锐2  候放1  苏博1  徐瑞1  高志一1  于福江1 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
2. 国家海洋局北海预报中心, 山东 青岛 266061
关键词:海浪视频 海浪等级 近岸浪 
Wave scales are commonly used in wave forecasts to describe the classification of wave intensity based on significant wave height. In this paper, the ocean wave video data of Aomen Road in Qingdao from 2019 to 2020 are used as the sample, while the ocean wave data measured in Xiaomaidao Ocean Station as the comparison label. This paper verifies the high consistency of the wave height between the two points using the business analysis wave field generated by the refined wave numerical prediction model of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, constructs the corresponding relationship between the wave scale and the video image of Macao road sea area, and firstly obtains wave video data of 5 levels from smooth wave to rough wave in the area.
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