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作者:李宸昊  董文杰 
单位:中山大学大气科学学院, 广东 珠海 519082
关键词:数值模拟 WRF-ARW模式 积云对流参数化 登陆型台风 
利用中尺度气象模式WRF-ARW 3.7.1版本,选取6种积云对流参数化方案,对台风“尤特”进行了数值模拟敏感性试验,讨论了不同积云对流参数化方案对影响我国最大的西北太平洋登陆型台风的模拟情况。结果表明:积云对流参数化方案对台风路径和强度影响较为明显;模式对大尺度环流配置模拟的差异是造成台风路径差异的主要原因;在模拟时间较长的情况下,台风核心区对流层中下层的不稳定层结及较为强盛的上升运动使得台风强度偏强。
Based on the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF-ARW), this paper conducts sensitivity experiments for typhoon Utor (No. 0104) simulation using six cumulus convection parameterization schemes and discusses the impact of different cumulus convection parameterization schemes on the simulation of landing typhoons in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The results show that the cumulus convection parameterization scheme has a significant impact on the typhoon track and intensity. The difference in the simulation of the large-scale circulation pattern is the main reason that causes the difference in typhoon path. In a long-period simulation, the unstable stratification in the middle and lower troposphere of the typhoon center and the strong ascending motion makes the typhoon stronger.
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