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作者:刘士诚1 2  陈永平1 2  谭亚1 2  于茜倩1 2  马经广3 
单位:1. 河海大学水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210098;
2. 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院, 江苏 南京 210098;
3. 广东省水文局, 广东 广州 510150
关键词:珠江河网 台风 风暴潮 风暴增水 台风期径流 口门走势 
基于ADCIRC模式和Holland台风模型,建立精细化珠江口风暴潮数学模型。针对2018年台风“山竹”在该区域的灾难性影响,模拟其在珠江河网引起的风暴增水过程,并着重分析了八大口门水道增水的时空分布特征和成因。结果表明:珠江口外海最大增水和2 m以上增水整体由外海向口门、东南向西北增大,最大增水范围为0.5~3.0 m;八大口门水道均出现超2.3 m的风暴增水,且在虎门、蕉门、洪奇门、横门、磨刀门等口门及水道出现超百年一遇增水;2 m以上增水历时0~5 h以上,由口门向西北干流递增;最大增水出现时间由口门向西北干流为台风登陆前2 h至登陆后10 h不等;河道口门走势和台风期径流对河网增水影响显著,在河网风暴潮预报和工程设计中应给予考虑。
A high-resolution numerical model of storm surge for the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is established based on the ADCIRC model and the Holland typhoon model. The process of storm surge, in the PRE caused by the typhoon “Mangkhut” (No.1822) is simulated in this study, and the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the water level set-up in the eight gates and channels of the estuary and corresponding causes are analyzed. The results show that largest water level set-up increases in the landward direction with the range of 0.50~3.0 m in the estuary during this typhoon period. The duration of water level set-up above 2 m also increases from the open sea to the estuary, i.e. from southeast to northwest in the PRE. The water level set-up exceeding 2.3 m occurs in all the eight gates and channels, which results in the extreme high water level with return period large than 100 years in the Humen Channel, the Jiaomen Channel and the Hongqi Channel, the Hengmen Channel, the Modao Channel and the Jimingmen Channel. The duration of water level set-up above 2 m is between 0 and 5 hours increasing from southeast to northwest in the PRE. The maximum water level set-up occurs from 2 hours before the typhoon landing to 10 hours after the typhoon landing from southeast to northwest in the PRE. The influence of channel trend and runoff during typhoon period on water level set-up in the PRE is significant, which should be considered in the storm surge forecast and engineering design of the PRE.
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