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作者:项素清1  周梅1  徐亚钦1  杜金杉2 
单位:1. 浙江省金华市气象局, 浙江 金华 321000;
2. 浙江省磐安县气象局, 浙江 磐安 322300
关键词:极端强降水 地形作用 西北风急流 中尺度雨团 
Based on the data analysis of automatic weather station, radar, satellite and the NECP reanalysis, we find that the fast development of typhoon "Lekima" (1909)is induced by the high sea surface temperature along the typhoon track, the sufficient water vapor and energy transferred by the southwest monsoon conveying belt and the easterly jet south of the subtropical high, the good outflow conditions in the divergent field and small vertical wind shear. Moreover, the effect of the terrain on the extreme rainfall is analyzed in this paper. The high humidity and energy carried by typhoon "Lekima" provides favorable background condition for heavy rainfall. The low-level northwest jet lifts after being blocked by the northeast-southwest trending Beishan Mountain, and the water vapor condenses into rain producing heavy precipitation. The uplifting effect of the mountain triggers the release of unstable energy and stimulates the formation of the mesoscale rain cluster, which causes the heavy rainfall. The blocking effect of the mountain slows down the movement of the precipitation system end and increases the duration of precipitation, which results in greater accumulated rainfall.
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