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作者:王星东1 2  代文浩1 
单位:1. 河南工业大学信息科学与工程学院, 河南 郑州 450001;
2. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 北京 100094
关键词:南极海冰 多年冰 一年冰 NASA TEAM算法 时空变化分析 
基于1997-2017年美国国防气象卫星DMSP的SSM/I数据和NASA TEAM算法反演出南极整体海冰、多年冰和一年冰密集度,进而对南极海冰进行时空变化分析。从时间上看:南极整体海冰面积呈小幅增长趋势,增长率约为1.11%/a;海冰面积为周期性变化,最小值出现在每年2月,最大值出现在每年9月,年均海冰面积约为12.65×106 km2;多年冰呈减少趋势,下降率约为1.15%/a,平均每年减少约0.015×106 km2;一年冰处于增长趋势,增长率约为2.61%/a;整体海冰、多年冰和一年冰面积在2015-2017年大幅度减少。从空间上看:多年冰主要分布在威德尔海域和大陆边缘,稳定存在多年冰的区域约占多年冰总面积的28%;南极海冰约80%为一年冰,一年冰呈环状分布在多年冰外围,稳定存在区域约占一年冰总面积的75%。
Based on the SSM/I data and the NASA TEAM algorithm of the US National Defense Meteorological Satellite program DMSP from 1997 to 2017, the Antarctic overall sea ice, multi-year ice, and first-year ice intensity were inverted, then analysis of the temporal and spatial changes of Antarctic sea ice. From the time point of view:The overall sea ice area of the Antarctic has shown a slight increase, with a growth rate of about 1.11%/a. The sea ice area is cyclical, the minimum occurs in February each year, and the maximum occurs in September each year, with an average annual sea ice area of 12.65×106 km2; The multi-year ice showed a decreasing trend with a decline rate of 1.15%/a and an average annual decrease of 0.015×106 km2; The first-year ice showed an increasing trend with a growth rate of 2.61%/a; The whole sea ice, multi-year ice and first-year ice area have been greatly reduced in 2015-2017. From a spatial perspective:Multi-year ice are mainly distributed in the Weddell Sea and the continental margin, the area where multi-year ice is stable is about 28% of the total multiyear ice area; About 80% of Antarctic sea ice is first-year ice, and first-year ice is distributed in a ring shape, the stable area accounts for about 75% of the total first-year ice.
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