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作者:弥晨1  吴萌萌2  万莉颖2 3  邢建勇2 3  陈莉2  秦琰琰2  刘克威2  于庆龙2  莫慧尔2 
单位:1. 海军参谋部, 北京 100081;
2. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
3. 国家海洋环境预报中心 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术研究重点实验室, 北京 100081
关键词:黄岩岛 海平面气压 海面2 m气温 海面2 m相对湿度 海面10 m风场 
采用美国NCEP-CFSR数据库资料,提取了1979-2010年的海平面大气要素场,在中国南海区域(0°~25°N、105°~125°E)和黄岩岛附近点(15°N、118°E),按日、月、年统计了32 a间海平面气压、海面2 m气温、海面2 m相对湿度、海面10 m风场基本气象要素特征。分析发现:黄岩岛及邻近中国南海区域属于赤道带、热带海洋性季风气候,其气候特征是:(1)海平面气压呈北高南低、冬季高夏季低的分布形势;黄岩岛日平均海平面气压冬季约为1 012 hPa,其他季节约为1 008 hPa,年平均海平面气压变化具有准5 a的周期;(2)全年平均气温较高,分布呈现北低南高,大陆低海面高,冬季低夏季高的特点;黄岩岛海面2 m气温日变化较小,年平均值约为27~28℃,年际变化上具有整体增加的趋势;(3)全年相对湿度较大,基本在60%以上,随季节变化明显,冬季较小,夏季较大;黄岩岛日平均相对湿度为80%,总体也具有略微增大的年际变化趋势;(4)受季风影响明显,冬季盛行东北季风,平均风速约为10~12 m/s,夏季盛行西南季风,平均风速约为4~8 m/s;黄岩岛海面风速的变化具有2.5~5 a的变化周期,年平均风速在5.3 m/s上下波动。
Based on the near-surface atmospheric variables of the NCEP-CFSR datasets from 1979 to 2010, we analyzed climate variation in Huangyan Dao and its adjacent area including sea level pressure, 2m temperature, 2m relative humidity and 10 m wind field. The results show that Huangyan Dao and its adjacent area in the South China Sea is a tropical maritime monsoon region climate. The sea level pressure is higher in the north than in the south, and higher in winter than in summer. The daily-mean sea level pressure over Huangyan Dao is about 1 012 hPa in winter and about 1 008 hPa in the other seasons. The variation of annual mean sea level pressure reveals a quasi-cycle of 5 years. The annual mean of 2 m temperature is relatively high, with a distribution of lower in the north than in the south, lower on the continent than on the sea and lower in winter than in summer. The daily variation of 2 m temperature over Huangyan Dao is small, with an annual mean of about 27~28℃ and an increasing trend can be found in its annual variation. The relative humidity is generally above 60% throughout the year with significant seasonal variations, which is lower in winter and higher in summer. The daily mean relative humidity over Huangyan Dao is 80% with a slightly increasing trend in its annual variation. The region is dominated by monsoon. Northeast monsoon prevails in winter with the average wind speed of about 10~12 m/s, while southwest monsoon prevails in summer with the average wind speed of about 4~8 m/s. The variation of 10 m wind speed over Huangyan Dao reveals a cycle of 2.5~5 years and the annual mean wind speed is about 5.3 m/s.
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