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作者:渠鸿宇  李响  凌铁军  张蕴斐 
单位:国家海洋环境预报中心 自然资源部海洋灾害预报技术研究重点试验室, 北京 100081
关键词:台风季节活动 COAWST模式 谱松弛 
Spectral nudging is one of the assimilation schemes, which plays an important role in improving the simulation of large-scale fields in s regional model. In this paper, COAWST model is used to design two sets of comparative experiments for typhoon seasonal activity from May 1 to November 1, 2015, and the influence of spectral nudging assimilation technology on simulation of typhoon seasonal activity is investigated. By comparing the typhoon seasonal information in the two experiments, it is found that spectral nudging can significantly improve the simulation of typhoon frequency, intensity, accumulated cyclone energy distribution and track density distribution. The improvement is closely related to the improvement of the large-scale fields in the model, such as the circulation field, the potential height field and the sea surface temperature. Due to the effect of spectral nudging, model can largely reproduce the large-scale information in the boundary field and avoid serious drift of the large-scale field caused by typhoon activity. Meanwhile, the small-scale process of the model itself can freely develop, which makes the simulated typhoon seasonal activity agree well with the observation.
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