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作者:杨斌  田力  徐雯佳  许志辉 
单位:河北省遥感中心, 河北 石家庄 050021
关键词:河北海域 叶绿素a浓度 遥感 MODIS 定量反演 
构建了一种适用于河北海域二类水体的叶绿素a浓度遥感反演业务化模型。将MODIS 1B数据第一波段反射率与河北海域叶绿素a浓度实测数据进行相关分析,通过回归拟合建立遥感反演模型,并选择不同时间、不同区域的实测数据对模型精度与稳定性进行了检验。结果表明:模型相关系数为0.73,平均相对误差31.4%~35.9%之间,模型适用于河北海域叶绿素a浓度业务化遥感监测,这对于监测河北海域赤潮和富营养化状况具有重要的现实意义。
An operational remote sensing retrieval model of chlorophyll-a concentration in Hebei coastal sea was established. A correlation analysis was calculated between the reflectance of MODIS 1B band 1 and actual-measured value of chlorophyll-a concentration, and an inversion model of remote sensing was established by regression. The modeled data was compared with the observed chlorophyll-a concentration in different time and regions to verify the accuracy and stability of the model. The results showed that the correlation coefficient between the modeled data and observed data was 0.73, and the average relative error was between 31.4% and 35.9%. The model can be effectively applied to retrieve chlorophyll-a concentration of surface water in Hebei coastal sea by using MODIS data. It has great realistic significance on red tide and eutrophication monitoring in Hebei coastal sea.
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