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作者:肖晶晶1  李正泉1  郭芬芬2  马浩1 
单位:1. 浙江省气候中心, 浙江 杭州 310017;
2. 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所, 浙江 杭州 310012
关键词:CCMP 中国海域 风能资源 
基于1988-2011年CCMP卫星资料对中国海域的风能资源进行分析评估,研究中国海域风能资源的空间格局及气候变化特征,并进行风能资源区划。研究结果表明:(1)中国海域年风功率密度各海域分布在79.2(琼州海峡)~465.8(巴士海峡)W/m2,其中东海南部、南海东北部和巴士海峡的年平均风功率密度大于400 W/m2,其次为南海中东部、东海北部、台湾海峡、台湾以东洋面(300~400 W/m2),渤海海峡、黄海北部、北部湾、渤海和琼州海峡的风功率密度在200 W/m2以下;(2)DJF期间,中国海区风功率密度平均值最大(412.5 W/m2),大值区的风功率密度达800~1000 W/m2;JJA期间,中国海域风功率密度平均值最小(159.4 W/m2);(3)1988-2011年中国各海区风功能密度上升趋势为20.8(琼州海峡)~124.7(台湾海峡)W/(m2·10 a),除南海西南部和南海东南部海区外,其他海区的变化趋势均通过了0.05的显著性检验;(4)中国海域风能资源分区结果表明,中国海区超过80%的海区适合并网风力发电,其中非常适合的海域占海区面积的62.3%。在风电开发技术可控范围内(水深5~50 m),台湾海峡、南海东北近海海区(水深0~50 m)风能资源最丰富,最高处达490 W/m2,其次是东海北部近海海区(水深20~50 m),风功率密度达300~350 W/m2
To analysis and access China Sea wind energy resource and study its spatial pattern and climate change characteristics, CCMP data from 1988 to 2011 were used in this paper. And the wind energy resource division were made for better develop wind energy resources. The results showed that the annual average wind energy density distribution from 79.2 W/m2 (Qiongzhou Strait) to 465.8 W/m2 (Bashi Strait) in China Sea, in which the southern of the East China Sea, the northeastern of the South China Sea and the Bashi Strait was greater than 400 W/m2, followed by the Eastern of the South China Sea, northern of the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait, Taiwan eastern ocean (300-400 W/m2). In the Bohai Strait, the northern of the Yellow Sea, the Beibu Gulf, the Bohai Sea and Qiongzhou Strait the data of the annual average wind energy density distribution was under 200 W/m2. The average maximum wind energy density was 412.5 W/m2, which occurred in DJF period and the value could reach 800 to 1000 W/m2. Corresponding the minimum value was 159.4 W/m2 in JJA period. The wind energy density increased obviously at the rate of 20.8 (Qiongzhou Strait) to 124.7 (Taiwan Strait) W/(m2·10 a), in addition to the southwest and eastwest of the South. China Sea wind energy resource division results showed that more than 80% of the China Sea was suitable for wind power generation, and 62.3% was very suitable. In the range of ocean water depth of 5-50 m under the wind power development in technology manageable, Taiwan Strait and South China Sea Northeast offshore (ocean water depth of 0-50 m) owned the most abundant wind energy resources, the highest point reached 490 W/m2, followed by the Northern East China Sea offshore areas (ocean water depth of 20-50 m) with the wind power density of 300-350 W/m2.
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