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作者:郑怡1  李冉2  史得道3  王亚男3  孙蜜娜3 
单位:1. 山东省气象台, 山东 济南 250000;
2. 中国气象局, 北京 100081;
3. 天津市气象台, 天津 300074
关键词:渤海中西部 海雾 统计特征 天气系统模型 
Based on the conventional observation data at five offshore and coastal observation stationsfrom 2004 to 2012, the climate characteristics and influence factors of the sea fog in the Midwest Bohai Sea are statistically analyzed.. The results show the sea fog in the Bohai Sea has an obvious annual variation characteristic, with the lowest frequency in 2005, and highest frequency in 2007. The monthly variation characteristics vary in different sea areas, but has a high-incidence time in winter which was affected by the spatial distribution of temperature. The highest frequency time of sea fog occurrence is at 08:00am, and the daily variation characteristic is affected by the solar radiation. The synoptic situations under the sea fog process can be divided into four patterns, which are uniform pressure field, trough and cold front, low pressure field and high pressure field, and the four kinds of conceptual model are summarized. The uniform pressure field accounted for the largest proportion, the second proportion which in Bohai Bay and Laizhou Bay is the trough cold front, the second proportion which in Liaodong Bay is the low pressure field. The statistics about the meteorological condition suitable for Sea Fog occurrence is given, such as wind direction and speed, temperature and humidity conditions, and the stability of atmospheric stratification, which can provide effective reference for the sea fog forecast.
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