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作者:吴炎成  马卫民  张钊扬  李阳 
单位:中国卫星海上测控部, 江苏 江阴 214431
关键词:热带气旋 厄尔尼诺 季风槽 
The causes of three tropical cyclones (TC) continuously produced in early July 2015 in the Northwest Pacific were analyzed through satellite imagery, ocean thermal conditions and environmental conditions of the flow field. The following results were concluded: the cloud characteristics analysis showed that all three TC were developed in a weft shape distribution of Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ); and the El Nino event developing in July 2015 led to a wide range of low-latitude regions warming of the Pacific east of 160°E in the Middle East, which was a favorable development for the three TC and led to the eastward expansion of the monsoon trough; convective instability, moisture conditions, relative vorticity and vertical wind shear in monsoon trough were the favorable environment factors influencing the development of the three TC.
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