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作者:孙晓宇1  吕婷婷2  高义1 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
2. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所, 北京 100101
关键词:海洋预报 时空 可视化 维度 
基于分形学理论对我国的海洋环境预报产品信息展现形式进行了维度分析,目前海洋环境预报要素主要包括海面风、海浪、海流、潮汐、海冰、海啸、风暴潮以及生态要素等,按照预报信息所具有的点、线、面、体空间形态可以分别以零维,一维,二维,三维4 种可视化方法进行展示,同时每一种空间可视化方法均可以与时间维结合形成更高维度的时空可视化方法。海洋环境预报产品均包含时间、地点、要素3 要素特征,因此零维点和一维空间线形不能孤立存在,必须包含在二维面或三维体中展示。可视化技术的快速发展,为预报产品的信息展示提供了技术条件,厘清预报产品的时空特征,相应选取最为适当的可视化方法,可以最大限度的提高预报产品的视觉信息量,对于提高预报的精度和效率、更好服务于辅助决策具有重要意义。
Based on the fractal theory, we analyzed marine environmental forecasting products at the aspect of dimension. The mainly forecasting elements included in these products were surface wind, sea wave, currents, tidal, sea ice, tsunami, storm surge and ecological elements. According to the dimensions, the forecast information can be presented by the form of points for zero dimension, line for one dimension, area for two dimensions, and volume for three dimension respectively. Additionally, each of the represent pattern can also be combined with a time dimension. The forecast products can be characterized by three basic feature of time, location and content, so that the product of 0 dimension point and one dimension line geometry cannot exist in isolation, and must be contained in a two or three dimensional medium. With the development of visualization, the present methods of marine environmental forecast products will be more and more and users will be more convenient for obtain information.
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