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作者:吴炎成1  周林2  李阳1  韩玉康2 
单位:1. 中国卫星海上测控部, 江苏江阴 214431;
2. 解放军理工大学气象海洋学院, 江苏南京 211101
关键词:HYCOM模式 位势密度分布 垂向坐标 
For the lacking of 22-layers HYCOM, the vertical resolution is increased to 28-layers in this paper based on the potential density distribution and seasonal variations in the China Sea. Two types of HYCOM have been taken to compare the energy integration process, as well as the surface and the equatorial section flow field. The result shows:in the model integration process, the 28-layers vertical coordinate mode has a more faster response to the forcing field than the traditional 22-layer model, and can spin up in less time; for the characterization of the flow field, there is a significant improvement in the simulation capability of the equatorial current system and the equatorial undercurrent.
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