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作者:马鹏辉1  孙立尹1  杨燕军2  张剑2 
单位:1. 海军海洋水文气象中心, 北京100161;
2. 中国人民解放军92727 部队, 山西长治046011
关键词:短期天气预报 决策级融合 拟合率 准确率 
A short-range weather forecast decision-making model of di-level based on decision-level fusion is developed in this study. The statistical methods including linear regression, extremes elimination and support vector machine are selected as initial decision method. The model is implemented and verified by using conventional meteorological data. The result shows that the average fitting rate and accuracy rate from this model are improved by 2 to 3 percent, which is better than that from the initial decision method. The decision results of decision-level fusion will be more credible, which should be helpful to enhance the application level of physical-statistical weather forecasting and promote the construction of information meteorological support system.
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