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作者:邓文君  王蓉  李茜希  姚小娟 
单位:国家海洋局南海预报中心, 广东 广州 510300
关键词:“韦森特” 南海 强度突增 
Based on the NCEP reanalysis data, the environmental field characteristics of Vicente in the northern South China Sea is analyzed using the synoptic and dynamic diagnosis method. The results showed that: the abundant water vapor transport in lower and middle levels, the strong low level convergence and upper level divergence and weak environmental vertical wind shear provide favorable dynamic and thermodynamic conditions for the development of Vicente. Meanwhile, the vertical structure symmetry is in favor of the strength of Vicente. It also found that the Vicente strength surge time was later than the low-level vertical wind shear weakened rapidly time. The strength peak time of Vicente is the same with the lower quality of net inflow peak time, but 18 hours behind the vorticity net inflow peak time.
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