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作者:王丹1  何恩业1  刘桂梅1  刘钦政2 
单位:1. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081;
2. 国家海洋局海洋减灾中心, 北京 100194
关键词:赤潮 统计分析 环境因子 预测 预警 
Harmful algal blooms (HAB), as marine disasters, have become a global marine environmental hotspot at present. In this study, based on monitoring survey data from 2008 to 2011 in Beidaihe monitoring area, the authors summarized the characteristics of red tide organisms. Multiple linear regression analysis was utilized to find out seven key environmental factors as the independent variables, and established an optimal multiple linear regression statistical model. In addition, the single-factor correlation analysis and curve fitting analysis were also utilized to further prove that chlorophyll a concentration had a significant negative correlation with water clarity and dissolved oxygen saturation level but had a significant positive correlation with silicate concentration. The results of this study can provide scientific evidences for HAB forecasting and theoretical guidance for effective emergent management of marine ecological disasters.
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