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作者:龙强  孟艳静  王锋  郑元鑫  付晓明 
单位:唐山市曹妃甸工业区气象局, 河北唐山 063000
关键词:北海域 平均风速 极大风速 风向频率 相关性 
利用2011—2012年曹妃甸沿岸区域站和海面气象浮标观测站四个季节的两分钟平均风速、风向和极大风速资料,对曹妃甸海域风的变化特征进行了初步研究分析,结果表明:(1)不同季节、区域的风速日变化有较大差异,沿岸和海面冬季月平均风速明显偏大,汛期月平均风速较小,但极大风速较大;(2)沿岸和海面年内的最大频率风向皆为S风,出现频率分别为9.5 % 和9.7 %,频率最低的分别为WNW风和NNW风,海域春季风向过渡特征不明显,主吹SSW风;(3)沿岸的两分钟平均风速与极大风速间均有良好的对应关系,后者大致是前者的1.5倍,海面的情况更为理想,二者的比值约为1.2,该结论可为二者之一缺测时的数值估计以及检验两风速的记录准确性提供一定的依据。
The preliminary research of the wind speed variation has been done using the data obtained from the Caofeidian coastal area station and buoy observation station from the year 2011 to 2012. The results are as follow: (1)there are large differences in diurnal variation of wind speed in different seasons and regions. The monthly averaged wind speed detected at the coast and the sea surface is significantly larger in winters; and it is smaller in flood seasons with a large maximum wind speed; (2)The wind direction with the maximum frequency of the year at the coast and the sea surface is S; and the frequency of occurrence is 9.5% and 9.7%, respectively. The WNW and NNW wind directions cover the smallest proportions. The transition property of wind direction is not obvious in spring of Caofeidian waters, the wind direction is mostly SSW. (3) There is a good correspondence between the two-minute average wind speed and maximum wind speed; the latter is roughly 1.5 times that of the former. The situation of sea surface wind speed is much better, where the ratio is constant at 1.2. The conclusion provides some references for the numerical estimation of the coastal and sea surface wind speed and the verification of the accuracy of the records.
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