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作者:黄娟  徐江玲  高松  郭敬天 
单位:山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室国家海洋局北海预报中心, 山东青岛266061
关键词:海上漂移预测 搜救 绿潮 
To improve the present forecast capability for search and rescue (SAR) at sea as well as Green Tide floating trajectory, one field experiment was carried out on July 20th, 2011 to evaluate the relative contribution to modeling of different drift objects, such as person, Green Tide and boat. The results show that the drift trajectory of person is similar to that of Green Tide, since both of them are mostly dominated by currents. Besides, the person is more sensitive to tides than Green tide, while the latter is more sensitive to wind. However, the drift trajectory of boat is different from that of the person and Green tide, since the tide effect on boat is different. Moreover, according to the experiment data, the parameters of current and wind stress in search and rescue numerical model are revised. After improvement, the simulated trajectory results of different drift objects are more closer to the experimental data.
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