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作者:王东良  姚小海  孟雷  张维凯 
单位:5111信箱, 北京100094
关键词:海面风场  散射计 海洋二号 真实性检验 
In this paper, the validation of wind field products of HY-2 is done by using the measured wind field data of ICOADS as a real value, which are collected from May 2012 to May 2013. Three conclusions are obtained: (1) In conditions of medium and low wind speed, it shows good linear relationship between HY-2 wind speed data and ICOUDS wind speed data, while in high wind speed conditions, the HY-2 scatterometer tends to underestimate the wind speed ; (2) In low wind speed conditions, the deviation of the wind direction between HY-2 scatterometer and the ICOADS dataset falls mainly in the range of -15° -15°, there are big deviations between them and there are multi solutions to wind direction at the same time. In each direction, the probability of multi solutions to wind direction is the same in general, about 0.14; (3) In the 2-24 m/s range of wind speed, when eliminating over 3 standard deviation wind samples, the mean absolute error of the wind speed between HY-2 scatterometer and the ICOADS dataset is 1.36 m/s, and the root mean square error is 1.92 m/s. If the effect of the multi-solutions to wind direction is ignored, the mean absolute error between the wind direction is 14.98° and the root mean square error is 20.21°.
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