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作者:李延江1  陈小雷2  景华2  李飏1  王莎1 
单位:1. 河北省秦皇岛海洋气象台, 秦皇岛河北 066000;
2. 河北省气象台, 秦皇岛河北 050021
关键词:渤海海区 强对流天气 监测分析 概念模型 预警指标 
Using the observation data from radar in Tianjin and Qinhuangdao, infrared cloud image of satellite FY-2E, GPS Lightning Detector, the meteorological sounding data, and the meteorological data on the island et al., 25 cases of severe convective weather from Apr to Jul. in 2007 to 2011 years in the west coast of the Bohai sea are studied by the synchronize data overlay analysis method. The preliminary results have been obtained: (1) for the distribution of high-layer jet stream and low-layer jet stream and the value of K index and SI index under the background filed of three kinds of synoptic-scale when being severe convective systems, and the corresponding relationship between the convergence line of the boundary layer over Bohai sea and severe convective area; (2)for the dynamic feature of MCC pixels on synchronous satellite cloud image and the value of TBB. (3) for the radar reflectivity factor on the cell-storm of β-Mesoscale and the multi cell-storm of β-Mesoscale, the feature of echo top and its threshold, the corresponding relation of the echo top height and lightning distribution. (4) for establishing the weather conceptual model of severe convection over Bohai sea, summarizing the warning index about severe convective weather in sea area. The benefit is remarkable for the forecast business from May to June 2012, and it can provide basic support for the monitoring of severe convective weather on marine and the elaborative forecast method study.
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