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作者:郭民权1  邢建勇2 
单位:1. 福建省海洋预报台, 福建福州 350003;
2. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081
关键词:MM5 风场模型 台湾海峡 Predictive Skill 
The measured data in winter 2010 (from December 2010 to February 2011) are used to examine MM5 simulation results. The results show that the simulated wind speed is higher than the observed one at the north of Pingtan, but lower in the south. The averaged wind speed is increasing with prediction lead time increases. Short-term forecasts results are better than long-term ones. MM5 model output is validated in the Taiwan Strait. The simulated wind speed is smaller than that in previous studies near the Taiwan side. Overall, the performance of MM5 model well presents the characteristics of wind field in winter in the Taiwan Strait. It can provide a reference for operational forecasting in this area.
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