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作者:张志华1 2  陈幸荣1  蔡怡1 
单位:国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081
关键词:中国近海海温 海温年际年代际振荡 关键海区 
Based on the HadISST data from HADLEY Center,geopotential height at 500 hPa and air temperature and wind at 850hPa from NCEP,74-month averaged circulation index from Chinese Meteorology Administration and PDO index from Washington University,the SST decadal oscillation in China Sea is analyzed by EOF method.The results show that the key area is close to 30°N in the East of the China Sea,where showing strongest SST decadal oscillation and.It takes account about 58.2% of total amount.The period of SST decadal oscillation in the key area of the China Sea is same as that in the northeast coast of the Australia Ocean.The period of the strongest signal SST decadal oscillation is 44-45 years,showing a lag of 15 years with PDO.The SST oscillation in the key area of the China Sea and in the northeast coast of the Australia Ocean share the same periods with 1 year,5 years and 15 years and the correlation coefficient is 0.604,suggesting that they are in the same mode.There is also 1 year period in the western Pacific coast.The results indicate that the SST decadal oscillation in the key area of the China Sea is not a local event,but connects to the sea temperature in the Pacific Ocean.It is the results of the air-sea interaction,being related with the wind from mid-high and low latitude,the subtropical high in the west Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea,the air temperature and the circulation in the southern hemisphere.
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