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In this paper the 200 Hpa and 850 Hpa wind fields at five statio-ns(i. e. Koror, Yap, Truk, Ponape and Majuro)at the lower latitudes of the western Pacific, are analyzed. Some important features of seasonal changes in the vertical circulation cells are revealed. It is found that the so-called walker circulation cell is strongest in May and weakest in September in annual cycle, and the Hadley circulation cell is strongest in February and weakest in September. Meanwhile, in annual cycle, the meridional circulation. cells are consistent with the south-north defference of sea surface temperature (SST), and to our surprise, the zonal circulation cells are consistent with the east-west difference of SST between the equatorial Indian and Pacific Oceans with the east-west difference of SST preceding cells by one month.It is shown that SST, not only in the eastern equatorial Pacifi-c, but also in the western equatorial Indian, has an effect on the zonal thermal circulation cell, the Walker circulation cell. Therefore, it is not complete to emphasize the significance of SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific only.
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