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作者:钱维宏1  朱亚芬1  叶谦1  戴新刚2 
单位:1. 北京大学地球物理系 北京;
2. 兰州大学大气科学系 兰州
关键词:ENSO事件 预测 信息 模式 
There were some major characteristics and forecasting signals during the development process of ENSO event occurred in 1997 as follows:(ⅰ)the equatorial central eastern Pacific warming in 1997 was due to the results of both the planetary and local atmosphere ocean interactions;(ⅱ)there existed obviously interannual and interdecadal variations in the time series of the equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly and the interannual variation could well be used to predict the ENSO event occurred in 1997;(ⅲ)the signal of mean westerly wind anomaly in the eqatorial zonal troposhyere was earlier than that of the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly in 1-year advance;(ⅳ)the improved Zebiak-Cane model by introducing anomalous Hadley circulation could also predict the ENSO event occurred in 1997 when the zonal wind anomaly was taken in the model.
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[2] 钱维宏、王绍武, 多尺度海气相互作用与Zebiak-Cane模式的改进, 中国科学, D辑, 27, 1997。
[3] Zebiak, S. E., Cane, M. A., A model ElNiño-Southern Oscillation, Mon. Wea. Rev. 115, 2262~2278, 1987.
[4] Cane, M. A., Zebiak, S. E., Dolan, S. C., Experimental forecasts of ElNiño, Nature, 321, 827~832, 1986.
[5] Qian Weihong and Chou Jifan, Atmosphere-earth angular momentum exchange and ENSO cycle, Science in China (Series D), 39, 219~224, 1996.
[6] Chen, D. Zebiak, S. E., et al., An improved procedure for ElNiño forcasting: implications for predictabil ity, Science, 269, 1699~1702, 1995.
[7] NOAA, Experimental Long-lead Forecast bulletin, June, 6(2), 1~23, 1997.
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