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单位:1. 解放军理工大学气象学院, 南京, 211101;
2. 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京100029;
3. &#
关键词:          ENSO 
In this paper,we concluded the characteristics of Tropical Cyclones(TCs) activity over the western north Pacific from 1899 to 2004 by using data of serially numbered TCs in northwestern Pacific.The results show that,Firstly,TCs activity variation in northwestern Pacific show clearly interannual and interdecadal periods cycle.It抯 the interactional result of interannual and interdecadal periods cycle.Secondly,interannual periods cycle has relationship with ENSO.El Ni駉 has more TCs frequency than La Ni馻 from September to next August.Thirdly,interdecadal periods cycle can be composed of several active and fallow phases.It抯 possible caused by Pacific Meridional Mode.
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