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作者:丁亚梅1  董克慧1  周林2  王鑫3 
单位:1. 东海舰队司令部海洋水文气象中心, 浙江, 宁波, 315122;
2. 解放军理工大学气象学院, 江苏, 南京211101;
3. 96169部队气象台, 广东, 梅州, 514783
关键词:大气-海浪耦合模式 台风 海表粗糙度 有效波高 
The mesoscale atmosphere model MM5(V3) and the third-generation ocean wave model WAVEWATCHⅢ are coupled with each other in a two-way coupling manner data.The coupled model is used to simulate typhoon Bilis,using NCEP reanalysis data as initial field.A parameterization schemes of sea surface roughness,Smith92,is introduced to the coupled model;and it’s influence on the development and moving track of Bilis is discussed as well.The coupled model shows high applicability for numerical simulation of Typhoon.The sea surface roughness schemes has very little impact on the track of Typhoon.In terms of the simulation effect of Typhoon intensity,the result of Smith92 increases evidently.The simulated results of the distribution and development of ocean wave are satisfactory,as well.
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