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海洋热浪背景下海气湍流热通量资料的评估——以2019年东北太平洋“Blob 2.0”事件为例
作者:马婧1  宋翔洲1  闫运伟1  王斌2  陈陟3 
单位:1. 河海大学海洋学院, 江苏 南京 210024;
2. 自然资源部国家海洋技术中心, 天津 300112;
3. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081
关键词:海洋热浪 湍流热通量异常 浮标观测 通量数据集 
2019年夏季,东北太平洋地区经历了一次名为“Blob 2.0”的海洋热浪事件,对海洋生态系统造成了严重影响。利用美国国家数据浮标中心的浮标观测资料、全球客观分析通量产品OAFlux,以及大气再分析数据集ERA5、NCEP2和MERRA-2,综合分析了“Blob 2.0”事件期间海气湍流热通量的特征,并研究了其物理因素。浮标观测显示,在“Blob 2.0”事件期间,潜热通量呈现正增长趋势,而感热通量呈现负增长趋势,这一现象可归因于海气比湿度差呈正增长,而风速和海气温差呈负增长。评估结果表明:4种通量数据产品都低估了潜热通量的增长,ERA5的增长率与浮标最为接近。对于感热通量,MERRA-2 和 NCEP2 产品的增长趋势与浮标观测相同,其中MERRA-2的增长率更接近;而OAFlux和ERA5产品的增长趋势与观测相反。
In the summer of 2019, the Northeastern on Pacific region experienced a marine heatwave event called "Blob 2.0", which had a significant impact on the marine ecosystem. This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of air-sea turbulent heat flux during this event using the buoy data from National Data Buoy Center, the global objective flux product OAFlux, and atmospheric reanalysis datasets ERA5, NCEP2 and MERRA-2. The study also investigated the physical factors influencing these fluxes. The buoy observation revealed that during the "Blob 2.0" event, there was a positive increasing trend in latent heat flux, while sensible heat flux exhibited a negative decreasing trend. This phenomenon can be attributed to the positive increase in the air-sea specific humidity difference and the negative decrease in wind speed and air-sea temperature difference. Evaluation results indicated that all four flux data products underestimated the growth of latent heat flux, with ERA5 showing the closest agreement with buoy observation. Regarding sensible heat flux, both MERRA-2 and NCEP2 products exhibited a similar increasing trend as observed by buoys, with MERRA-2 showing a closer growth rate. However, OAFlux and ERA5 products showed an opposite trend compared to the observations.
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