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作者:路川藤1 2  钱明霞1 2  夏威夷1 2  丁伟1 2  丁佩1 
单位:1. 南京水利科学研究院, 江苏 南京 210029;
2. 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210098
关键词:强潮河口 椒江 盐水入侵 数值模拟 CJK3D-WEM 
以强潮河口——椒江河口为研究对象,通过数学模型研究不同径流、潮差条件下的盐水入侵特征,明晰强潮河口的盐水入侵特性,为相关科学研究以及工程建设提供技术支撑和依据。结果表明:椒江为枯季低流量(10 m3/s)时,0.1‰盐水可以上溯至始丰溪与永安溪的交汇处三江村附近,5‰盐水可以上溯至八仙岩附近,椒江达洪峰流量(3 000 m3/s)时,海门以上河段的盐水浓度均小于0.1‰;在径流变化潮差不变条件下,盐水上溯距离变化梯度涨憩大于落憩,小潮大于大潮,随着径流量的增大,盐水上溯距离变化梯度逐渐增大;在潮差变化径流不变条件下,盐水上溯距离变化区间呈线性增长趋势,随着径流量的增大,同等潮差下的盐水上溯距离变化区间逐渐减小;拟合出了椒江河口盐水最大上溯距离与径流、潮差的函数关系式,预测值偏差在2%~6%,可为椒江其他相关盐水研究提供借鉴。
Taking a strong tidal estuary (Jiaojiang Estuary) as the research object, this paper studies the salt water intrusion characteristics under different runoff and tidal range conditions through mathematical models, and clarifies the salt water intrusion characteristics at strong tidal estuary, to provide technical support and basis for relevant scientific research and engineering construction. It is found that when Jiaojiang River has low discharge (10 m3/s) in dry season, 0.1‰ salt water can be tracked upstream to the Sanjiang village and 5‰ salt water can be tracked upstream to the vicinity of Baxianyan. When Jiaojiang River is at peak discharge (3000 m3/s), the salt water concentration is less than 0.1‰ in the river regions upstream of Haimen. Under the condition of different runoff but same tidal range, the variation gradient of salt water upstream tracking distance in flood slack is greater than that in ebb slack, and neap tide is greater than spring tide. With the increase of runoff, the variation gradient of salt water upstream tracking distance increases gradually. Under the condition of different tidal range but same runoff, the variation range of salt water upstream tracking distance increases linearly. With the increase of runoff, the variation range of salt water upstream tracking distance under the same tidal range decreases gradually. The functional relationship between the maximum upstream tracking distance of salt water in Jiaojiang Estuary and runoff and tidal range is fitted, and the deviation of the predicted value according to the relationship is between 2% and 6%, which can provide reference for other relevant salt water researches in Jiaojiang River.
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