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作者:吕润清1  李响2 
单位:1. 江苏省气象台, 江苏 南京 210008;
2. 国家海洋环境预报中心, 北京 100081
关键词:再分析数据 适用性 误差时空分布 
基于江苏省73个国家级自动气象观测站和3个高空探测站的观测数据,对比研究了ERA-Interim和ERA5两套再分析数据在江苏区域的适用性。结果表明:无论是地面气象要素还是高空气象要素,ERA5再分析数据的适用性均优于ERA-Interim再分析数据,特别是ERA5再分析数据中的2 m气温及2 m相对湿度相对于ERA-Interim再分析数据体现出系统性的改进,相关系数的提升超过0.4。两套数据的小时降水量与观测之间均存在相对较大的误差,在实际使用中需谨慎。ERA5再分析数据与观测数据在一致性及误差方面存在较为显著的时空变化特征,该数据在夏季的适用性低于其他季节,在空间上夏半年体现了明显的南北分布特征,与之对应,ERA-Interim再分析数据没有显著的时空分布特征。采用新一代的ERA5再分析数据对江苏区域的天气/气候进行研究/预报具有潜在的优势。
The applicability of ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalysis in Jiangsu province is compared based on the observation data of 73 ground meteorological observation stations and 3 meteorological sounding stations. The results show that the applicability of ERA5 is higher than that of ERA-Interim for both ground and upper-air meteorological variables. In particular, the 2 m air temperature and relative humidity in ERA5 reanalysis shows a systematic improvement compared to ERA-Interim with the correlation coefficient increased by over 0.4. The hourly precipitation of both reanalysis datasets reveal large errors compared to observations, and should therefore be used with caution. The ERA5 reanalysis and observation shows significant spatiotemporal variations in terms of consistency and error. The applicability of the ERA5 reanalysis in summer is lower than the rest of the year with a south-north spatial distribution characteristics, while the ERA-Interim reanalysis reveals no significant temporal and spatial distribution characteristics. Our results suggest that ERA5 is potentially a better choice for weather and climate research and prediction in the Jiangsu province.
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